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Wallpaper WeTransfer

The Wallpaper WeTransfer format can be delivered only on Wetransfer website.

The products are divided into:

SOV: unique creativity with CPM (impressions) for the period foreseen in the plan. •

  • SOV Static
  • SOV Video CTP
  • SOV Custom

TAKE OVER: 12h or 24h CPD sponsorship that necessarily requires 3 distinct creatives, one of which is necessarily static with random rotation for each individual user.

  • TAKE OVER Static
  • TAKE OVER Custom

Clean, sober and minimalist creativity is preferred with strong attention to the aesthetics of the image. Creativity must always be approved by the publisher. Materials and tracing must be sent to which will convey the info to WT for all formats EXCEPT for Custom formats where interaction between WT and the customer / agency is necessary before the purchase.
In the subject of the email, please indicate order ID and description (Ex: LB_012345 – Advertiser Name – Product Name – Month/Year): in absence of order ID, indicate the description (see the creativity policy for details).

Wallpaper WeTransfer specifications

See the complete specifications.

General guidelines:

Each wallpaper of the WT campaign must be created following the appropriate reference template 

  • Provide an open layered .psd (layered file in RGB)
  • High resolution images 2560x1600px (.tift or .jpg)
  • Logo in vector format (.svg or .ai)
  • Fonts preferably in a separate folder (.ttf, .otf, .woff)
  • Text of max 140 characters including spaces
  • Video 1920x1080px min. (.mov, .mp4) h.264 or ProRes codec (only if required by the format)
  • Tracking or landing pages


  • We do not accept URLs/QR codes/App store logos visible in images
  • We do not accept advertisements for nudes, drugs, illegal products, political parties
  • The pre-established elements of WeTransfer cannot be altered
  • WeTransfer is a B-Corp, therefore the advertiser/product must not be in conflict with this certification
  • The creatives must all be approved by the Wetransfer publisher
  • Images with prices, offers and disclaimers are not allowed
  • Multiple logos and CTAs are not allowed

Link and tracking


URL must be sent separately to Italiaonline, do not enter or change it in creativities. Each creativity can have a single URL associated with. Send to Italiaonline a link with a domain (eg: …) or an equivalent click command, not an IP address (eg http://123.156.789 …).

Tracking – Click count
Optional: provide a click command that tracks the landing page as indicated by the third party service used.

Tracking – Impression count
Optional: provide a tracking pixel as indicated by the third party service used. Italiaonline will accept only tracking pixels with HTTPS protocol (all the elements of the redirect creativity must be recalled in safe mode).
To be compliant with our GDPR regulations, we accept trackers from the following providers:

Third-party measurement

– Meetrics
– Nielsen

Impression and click trackers
– Doubleclick
– Sizmek
– AppNexus
–  VisualQ
– Doubleverify
– AdFarm/Mediaplex
– Adform
– Gemius
– Flashtalking[_]


See all ADV formats