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Mobile Interstitial

italian specs

All the creativities delivered in redirect, tracking pixel included, must be provided in https. Creativities not conforming to https will be not published.
The format is delivered in Redirect by third-party services. Italiaonline uses Sizmek (ex MediaMind) as service.
Send creativities by email to Sizmek, with and Italiaonline Sales Account in copy, at least 3 working days before publication. In the subject of the email, include the order ID and description (Ex: LB_012345 – Advertiser name Product name Month/Year); in the absence of the order ID, provide the description (see details in the creativity policy).


Available On

Libero Home Page, Libero Tecnologia, Virgilio Motori, Virgilio Notizie, Buonissimo, QuiFinanza, SiViaggia, Supereva, 3Bmeteo, Tuttocampo


1) Produce banner assets

Choose your template version:

Interstitial Video: Use file – Video is autoplayed with audio off, Ad will close at video end.

Interstitial Responsive – No Video: Use file – Interstitial will show images according to user display dimension. No video required.

Note: all Interstitial templates include a countdown and close button.

Replace template files with your campaign assets:

Intersititial Video
: Replace ‘▸ panels ▸ default ▸ videos ▸ video.mp4’ file with your campaign video. Recommended video specs: 728×410 MP4  H.264, Max bitrate 1500kbps, max size 3MB.

Interstitial Responsive – No Video: Creative assets are located in ‘▸ panels ▸ default ▸ images’ folder, make sure to replace assets with same
dimensions/name as template ones. Our responsive template just requires 4 images: 640×960, 960×640, 576×1024, 1024×576.

Note: Our templates support retina displays: you can use 1X, 2X or 3X images. (e.g. for 640×960 background image you can choose between: 640x960px (1X) image, 1280x1920px (2X) image or a 1920x2880px (3X) image.)


TEST your Interstitial in local:
Open ‘▸ panels ▸ default ▸ index.html’ file in your browser and check your creative format before upload to Sizmek platform.

Note: Interstitial is a responsive format so make sure everything looks fine resizing browser window to emulate different users’ monitor.


2) Create an Interstitial Ad:

Blank Ad

  1. Compress your template assets to a .zip file. Max size allowed 4MB.
  2. Login in Sizmek platform, from the main menu, select Creative > Ads.
  3. From the toolbar, select New Ad > Blank Ad.
  4. In the Creative Assets section, click Workspace Folder > Assign Asset, upload and select your .zip file (it will become a Workspace Folder).
  5. In the Ad Name field, type a unique name for your ad.
  6. In Panels > Advanced Panel settings tab, make sure to select the option (Always auto-expand) – UNLIMITED.
  7. Save your Ad.


3) Ads delive, Q&A

– From the main menu, select Creative > Ads.
– Select your Ad and click on Copy IDs. This will copy Ad ID to the clipboard.
– Send Ad ID to

Link and tracking


You can provide a URL or a phone number (with Click to Call functionality). The URL or telephone number must be provided separately to Italiaonline: they must not be inserted or modified in the creative. Only one URL or phone number should be associated with each creative. Send Italiaonline a link with a domain (eg: …) or an equivalent click command, not an IP address (eg: http://123.156.789 …). The telephone number must be provided including the prefix and without spaces or punctuation: eg: 0229047001. Only national calls to landline or mobile numbers are allowed and therefore it is not necessary to indicate the international prefix (+39 or 0039). Value-added numbers/premium services with surcharge are not permitted (e.g. 892 – 894 – 895 – 899 – etc.).

Tracking – Click count

Optional: provide a click command that tracks the landing page, in the manner required by the third-party service used.

Tracking – Impression count

Optional: provide a tracking pixel in the manner required by the third-party service used. Only tracking pixels with HTTPS protocol will be accepted (all elements of the creative must be called in secure mode).


See all ADV formats