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Login Responsive


The Login Responsive format is made up of 3 mandatory format sizes and is exclusively delivered by Italiaonline(no redirect ammitted). It’s possible to download the psd and jpeg1 and jpeg2 files to have any graphic examples of the specifications of the format. The same files can be also downloaded through the buttons under the graphic preview of the format on the left of this page.
All the creativities delivered in redirect, tracking pixel included, must be provided in https. Creativities not conforming to https will be not published. Send creativities by email to with reference to Italiaonline Sales Account in copy at least 3 working days before publication. In the subject of the email, please indicate order ID and description (Ex: LB_012345 – Advertiser Name – Product Name – Month/Year): in absence of order ID, indicate the description (see the creativity policy for details).



728×90 LEADERBOARD for Tablet (mandatory)

Formato GIF, JPEG
Dimensioni 728×90 px
Peso massimo 150 KB

600×800 LOGIN MOBILE for Smartphone (mandatory)

Format GIF, JPEG
Size 728×90 px
Maximum weight 150 KB

1440×1024 for Desktop (mandatory)

Format GIF, JPEG
Size 1440×1024 px
Maximum weight 300 KB
Creativity instructions The best visibility area is 980×600 px (see the light blue area in JPG1 and PSD files available to download above). Pay attention to the login box: do not cut off the creativity where the box is located, but leave the adv message outside the box. Background color: please provide a hex code color. It must be the same color used in the creative background.

Link and tracking


URL must be sent separately to Italiaonline, do not enter or change it in creativities. Each creativity can have a single URL associated with. Send to Italiaonline a link with a domain (eg: …) or an equivalent click command, not an IP address (eg http://123.156.789 …).

Tracking – Click count

Optional: provide a click command that tracks the landing page.

Tracking – Impression count

Optional: provide a tracking pixel for counting the impressions. It’s only admitted a tracking pixel (usually a GIF image 1×1 px) with HTTPS protocol (all the elements of the Login page must be compliant with HTTPS).


See all ADV formats