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Companion Maxi

The product is made up of 2 formatsSkin and Maxi, both delivered by Italiaonline.
All the creativities delivered in redirect, tracking pixel included, must be provided in https. Creativities not conforming to https will be not published.
Send creativities by email to with reference to Italiaonline Sales Account in copy: at least 3 working days before publication. In the subject of the email, please indicate order ID and description (Ex: LB_012345 – Advertiser Name – Product Name – Month/Year): in absence of order ID, indicate the description (see the creativity policy for details).

Skin specifications

See Skin specifications

Maxi specifications

See Maxi specifications


Creativity can be managed with a unique tracking code or two tracking codes: one for the Skin and one for the Maxi. In both cases, specify in the mail if tracking codes are one or two and which creativity you want it to be associated with.


See all ADV formats