The Companion Local Multisize format is a product available only on Pagine Bianche, Pagine Gialle and Virgilio Local consisting of 3 mandatory formats (MPU, Leaderboard and Mobile Leaderboard) + 4 optional ones (Maxi, Masthead, Skin and Superleaderboard), provided by Italiaonline for the creation of Native projects. Creatives can be managed with a single tracking or with two distinct tracking: one for the SUPERLEADERBOARD and one for the MPU or the DOMINATOR. In both cases, specify in the emails if there are one or two and which creativity you want to associate them with. Companion Local Multisize
All creatives delivered in Redirect, including tracking pixels, must be sent in https format. Materials in non-https formats will not be considered.
Send creatives by email to the address with reference to Italiaonline’ Sales Account in copy, at least 3 working days before publication. In the subject of the email please indicate the order ID and description (Ex: LB_012345-Name of the Advertiser – Name of the product Month/Year); in absence of the order ID, indicate the description (see the creativity policy for details). To manage HTML5 materials, see the HTML5 guidelines.Tracking
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