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Branded Room

The Branded Room consists of:

  • Slider HP
  • Big banner (Floating banner)
  • Intro overlay
  • DEM
  • Background (Static or video)
  • Video contenut (not required)

Send the creatives by email to with a copy of the Italiaonline Sales Account at least 3 working days before publication. In the subject of the emails, indicate the order ID and description (Ex: LB_012345 – Advertiser name Product name Month/Year); in the absence of the order ID, indicate the description. For details on the disclaimer, refer to the “Approval and responsibility” section of the creativity policy.

Slider HP


Format Static jpg/png
DSize 2000×500 px (4:1)
Weight max No limit, the images will be automatically adapted by the system.
Notes Please do not place relevant content below the red areas. A dark filter will be added automatically by the system. Please download the PSD template.

Slider HP


Format Static jpg/png
Size 1920×1080 px (16:9)
Weight max No limit, the images will be automatically adapted by the system.
Notes Please download the PSD template

Big banner (Floating banner)

Format Static jpg/png
Size 1920×320 px
Weight max No limit, the images will be automatically adapted by the system
Notes The contents inside the safe area will be visible from the mobile phone. Please download the PSD template

Intro Overlay

Format video MP4
Video size 16:9 a 1920×1080 (full HD) in h264 a 20-30 mbps
Weight max 20Mb
Maximum Duration 30 seconds
Audio AAC at least 192 kbps
Subtitles Bottom max height 200px (if present)
Frame Rate Original content (23.976fps or 25fps) without duplication of frames (if possible)
Redirect Optional: the format can be supplied by Italiaonline or by third parties.
TAG: VAST Standard 3.0 (no VPAID). Only URL redirects with HTTPS protocol will be accepted (all elements of the redirect creative must be invoked in secure mode)
AUDIO: It must not be managed within the creative, because it will be managed directly by the Chili player.
DURATION: Maximum video duration 30 seconds, no interactions are expected.
CREATIVITY ROTATION: It is possible to provide up to 3 rotating creatives (videos) associated with the same tag.


Format Provide only one JPG or PNG image
Size Width 600px/Length 885px
Weight max 500 KB
Object Text with a max length of 45 characters including spaces
PreHeader Max 35 characters including spaces
Title Max 50 characters including spaces
Copy Max 202 characters including spaces


Format video Mp4
Size video 1920×1080 px (16:9)
Max duration 15 seconds
Audio There are no specific indications
Subtitles No
Text 2 lines of text for the title and 4 lines for the description (three dots appear if the texts go beyond the indicated lines).

  • Title = max. 40 characters (including spaces)
  • Description = max. 140 characters (including spaces)
Frame Rate Original of the content

Link and Tracking

Tracking for counting clicks and impressions is not permitted for Slider HP and Floating Banner.


The URL must be provided separately to Italiaonline. Only one URL should be associated with each creative. Send Italiaonline a link with a domain (eg: or an equivalent click command: not an IP address (eg: http://123.156.789 …).

Click Count Tracking

Optional: Provide a click command that tracks the landing page.

Impression Count Tracking

Optional: Provide a tracking pixel. Only tracking pixels with HTTPS protocol will be accepted (all elements of the creative must be retrieved in secure mode).

Tracking Research institutes

We accept integrative tracking from Research Institutes (e.g. Nielsen, Moat, comScore) only upon request for certification (10 days in advance).

Creativity supplied by Italiaonline

The tracking must be provided as an HTTPS URL (all redirect elements must be invoked securely).

Creativity delivered in Redirect

Tracking must be configured with VAST HTTPS container tags (HTML5 VPAID Wrapper) / 3rd party creatives. Third-party original tag in HTTPS cannot serve VPAID, only VAST.


See all ADV formats