Providing training to our people and customers

When talking about business strategy one cannot ignore the digital transformation taking place, how vital it is to have people who know the dynamics and tools of the digital world within one’s own company.
Digital is constantly evolving
This is why the Italiaonline Academy is based on the concept of lifelong learning, the continuous updating of skills: to support the constant growth of the group’s people and the company’s customers. To provide free of charge the best tools to make the most of the full potential of the web.
Training courses and webinars, up to real professional paths for young high school graduates and recent college grads. Italiaonline’s first corporate university (today Italiaonline Academy) was founded in 2005, from the heritage of knowledge gathered in 80 years of history, with the mission of creating a school of excellence for Italian SMEs and for the company’s people.
Gli obiettivi di Italiaonline Academy
Today, the Italiaonline Academy continues to contribute to the achievement of Italiaonline’s business objectives and to create value, playing a key role in several business areas:
by serving training needs to the entire corporate population
by delivering training to our Customers
by promoting events throughout the country to tell people about the company and its products/services
by driving forward the culture of change
by supporting suppliers and salespeople with training courses aimed at Customer care and professional development

The Academy produces value:
Opening up to the university world:
- to attract skills
- to bring students closer to the world of business and do recruiting.
By taking care of the community
Using internal resources and knowledge/capabilities to do knowledge sharing, motivating and rewarding people.
Technology and digital are constantly evolving: training is essential to be always ready to face future challenges.
Find out which classes are active and join the digital revolution yourself!