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Italiaonline, a strong half-year growth

Italiaonline S.p.A. announces its financial results for the first half of 2024, approved by the Board of Directors on 7 August. The figures show solid growth and effective management of financial resources, confirming its leadership in digital services and solutions for businesses and individuals.

Revenues amounted to EUR 143.4 million, an increase of EUR 7.8 million compared to the first half of 2023 (+5.7%). Of this, revenues from digital services amounted to €139.1 million, an increase of €9.1 million compared to 2023 (+7%). An excellent result, mainly driven by Web & Media Services (+€4.1 million or +4.8%) and Publishing & ADV (+€4.6 million or +12.3%).

EBITDA increased by EUR 4.5 million compared to the same period in 2023, an increase of 26.9%, thanks to revenue growth and cost reductions. This significant increase is also reflected in the Net Profit of EUR 3.2 million.

The higher profitability and the improvement in working capital management led to an improvement in the Net Financial Position, which reached EUR -73.4 million compared to EUR -79.7 million in H1 2023, an improvement of 7.9% or EUR 6.3 million.

The results of the first half of 2024 highlight the ability to develop the digital business in every market in which Italiaonline is a player, from Publishing to digital solutions for small and large companies, to online directories that have been transformed from printed products into digital products and marketplaces. The growth of the first half of 2024 is the starting point for a confirmation of the positive results also at the end of the year and for an Italiaonline increasingly attentive to growth and merger & acquisition opportunities.


NB This is a translation of the Italian press release