Materiality analysis and stakeholders

Significance of non-financial issues and stakeholders involvement

In 2018, in order to make the transition from a compliance approach to a more proactive one, the Group decided to start a process of involving and listening to internal and external stakeholders, also in compliance with international standards on sustainability reporting (GRI Standards).

Stakeholders engagement activities involved various stakeholders: suppliers, customers, employees, agents and local bodies and institutions. Three round tables were organised to allow stakeholders to express their views on issues relevant to the Group, providing interesting and useful proposals for defining any new sustainability objective for Italiaonline.


Stakeholders map

Involved stakeholdersDiscussed topics
SuppliersMaterial consumption
Waste management
Community support
CustomersProducts and services quality and innovation
AgentsPrivacy and data protection
StaffStaff management
Energy and emissions
Bodies and InstitutionsCommunity support


Potentially relevant sustainability issues have been identified on the basis of an internal and external analysis of:

  • the activities carried out by the Italiaonline Group
  • the sector features, the approaches adopted by comparable companies nationally and worldwide
  • topics suggested by the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) in the document “Sustainability Topics for Sectors: What do stakeholders want to know?”


The emerged issues were discussed and evaluated by the management in dedicated meetings so as to allow the definition of those most representative of the social and environmental impacts generated by the Group.


At the end of the analysis, a series of material issues directly related to the aspects governed by Legislative Decree 254/2016 were identified.

In the 2018 NFS the potentially relevant issues were identified on the basis of an analysis of the activities carried out by Italiaonline, the sector features, the approaches adopted by comparable companies nationally and worldwide, and the issues suggested by the GRI Standard for each economic sector. Subsequently, the issues raised were discussed and evaluated by management at dedicated meetings so as to allow the definition of those most representative of the social and environmental impacts generated by the Group.