Press releases

Gold 5: a new concessionaire launched in the video display advertising segment


Italiaonline presents SiViaggia: the new vertical portal dedicated to those who love to explore the world

The new Italiaonline vertical portal SiViaggia ( is online. Dedicated to travel lovers, the brand new website offers infos, tips and ideas to explore new places in Italy and abroad.


Samsung chooses Italiaonline ADV for a new digital communication project

The collaboration between Samsung and Italiaonline ADV, the national advertising agency of Italiaonline, continues. At the launch of the new, innovative feature “Ultra power saving mode” of the new Galaxy S5, Italiaonline ADV has designed and developed a a digital communication campaign, displayed tomorrow on Libero and on Monday on the vortal SportStadio, through a new, high impact and top visibility ADV format.


Kids in the offices of Italiaonline

Over 150 kids under the age of 14 are expected on May 23rd in the Italiaonline’s headquarters in Assago (Milan), Rome, Pisa and Ivrea. The company joins the initiative called “Children in the office with Mom and Dad” promoted by Corriere della Sera in partnership with La Stampa. Italiaonline will open its offices to the children of its employees for an afternoon of fun and entertainment.


Italiaonline: record-breaking numbers for QuiFinanza

After only 4 months from launch, with 1,45 million Unique Users/monthly , the vortal focused on finance and economy, steps on podium for its audience in the Audiweb View “Financial News And Information” segment.


Italiaonline chooses comScore validate Campaign Essentials (vcE) for the measurement of viewability of online advertising campaigns

The innovative comScore tool measures the real audience of online advertising.
The ad viewability rate of Italiaonline’s main properties (including has already reached a percentage of 57%, against a comScore-measured US average, which stands at 46%


Italiaonline launches the selection of 30 young graduates for the recruiting program “Smart & Born Digital”

Italiaonline, the Italian internet company who owns, among other web properties, the portals Libero and Virgilio, launches the project called “Smart & Born Digital”, a recruiting program who targets 30 young graduates with a major in technology or scientific subjects. The goal is to integrate them into the company’s Information Technology Business Unit

