Italiaonline, Italy’s largest internet company, introduces TikTok and YouTube in its social media management bidding for SMEs, with which it is able to take over the social pages of its Clients, taking care of the publication of posts and content for them, according to an editorial plan designed on the needs of each company. In particular, with the launch of TikTok and YouTube, among the fastest-growing platforms on the market, Italiaonline’s new social bid becomes the broadest and most comprehensive in Italy for small and medium-sized businesses.

Data show that Italian companies today invest little in social media platforms and social media, particularly small ones. About 1 in 2 SMEs do not use social, and only 1 in 4 use at least 2 platforms*. However, among ADV investments, social is the one growing the most: +26% in Italy in 2021vs 2020 for a total value of over €5 billion**.

The video format-which is confirmed as the most performing at the digital and social level- thus enters vertically into the Internet company’s commercial proposal, with two channels that are increasingly important in a digital strategy: YouTube, the video platform par excellence, the second most used search engine in the world***, able to concretely support companies’ business. Italiaonline’s proposal includes the opening of the channel, the setup with the creation of texts, images, keywords, playlists and SEO optimizations; the study of the editorial plan and the type of video best suited to the client’s objectives, repurposing videos already in its possession or shooting them from scratch, with the taking charge of all the production phases, up to the publication according to the shared schedule.

TikTok is the fastest-growing platform worldwide (+61% compared to pre-covid); a “young” platform both in terms of seniority of the platform and the type of targets and users, which continue to grow in all age groups, and which is set to become the most used in the world in 2022****. Italiaonline’s proposal was created to help clients seize this opportunity to engage a community of more than 1 billion people through the definition of a content production and publishing strategy tailored to the channel and the clients’ target. TikTok videos have a “native” setting and language that must be respected to achieve the desired visibility and engagement results.

Italiaonline’s bid includes either “bundled” solutions, in which clients can choose a defined number of content to be published in a given timeframe, or “custom,” with a built-to-order solution, depending on their needs.

“Social media is an important asset that, if strategically inserted in a digital plan with the activation of other products such as the website, ecommerce or advertising, can guarantee a real added value that we are able to provide to our clients,” says Antonella Fanuzzi, Chief Web And Business Solutions Officer of Italiaonline. “With the arrival of TikTok and YouTube we can say today that Italiaonline’s is the first and most complete social media bid for SMEs, able to meet the needs of all different types of companies, depending on the objectives of each. About 1 in 2 Italians today, before buying a product, booking a restaurant or going to a store, search for it on social networks. This is as true for large companies as it is for small businesses. Social today is no longer just a ‘showcase’ but a real business engine, a place where you can be found, known and chosen by your customers.”

* Source: Data Media Hub for Republic

** Source: We are Social

*** Source:

****Social Media Trends Talkwalker


NB This is a translation of the Italian press release