Italiaonline, the Italian internet company which owns, among other web properties, the portals Libero and Virgilio, is one of the first Italian players (in the offer field) to have evaluated and chosen validated Campaign Essentials (VCE) by comScore – the leading company in measuring the digital world – to evaluate the efficacy of online campaigns in terms of the actual viewability and demographic target reached.
The choice of Italiaonline is part of the qualitative development of its offer to the market, supplied by the internal sales agency Italiaonline ADV, which aims to respond promptly to the needs of advertisers to evaluate and measure the effects of online communication, in terms of visibility, geographical areas, target audience reach; assessments that require increasingly advanced and sophisticated tools and metrics that go beyond the standard of the Internet, based on impressions and generated click-throughs. In this scenario, we are determinating the future choices of investors.