GovernanceCorporate documentation

This section contains Italiaonline S.p.A. documentation the publication of which was mandatory up to the day of delisting of the Company’s ordinary and savings shares.

Shareholders’ Agreements

As announced by the Company in accordance with law:

  • on August 29, 2012, as a result of registration with the Milan Business Registry of the Public Act relating to the merger between the Company and Lighthouse International S.A., the shareholders’ agreement has been changed from that originally signed on April 29, 2009 – and renewed on April 26, 2012 – between: (a) Alfieri Associated Investors Serviços de Consultoria S.A.; (b) Cart Lux S.à r.l. and Tarc Lux S.à r.l.; and (c) CVC Silver Nominee Ltd. This specific agreement no longer applies;
  • On September 6, 2012, following the final approval of all agreements relating to the operation of the complex restructuring of the Company, has also removed the shareholders’ agreement concluded on March 12, 2012 between: (a) Alfieri Associated Investors Serviços de Consultoria S.A.; (b) Cart Lux S.à r.l. and Tarc Lux S.à r.l.; (c) CVC Silver Nominee Ltd; and (d) Seat, to ensure the success of the aforementioned restructuring operation. Again, the agreement with these companies no longer applies.

It is also noted that the cessation of both these agreements was communicated to the market through the announcement published on September 8, 2012 in the MF-Milano Finanza journal of record, and that the specific declarations of termination of such agreements have been filed with the Milan Business Registry.

Available in attachment (italian only) an excerpt from:

  • the investment agreement signed on 21 May 2015 between Italiaonline S.p.A., Libero Acquisition S.à r.l., GL Europe Luxembourg S.à r.l., GoldenTree Asset Management Lux S.à r.l., GoldenTree SG Partners L.P., GT NM LP and San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association, as amended on July 20, 2015;
  • the shareholders’ agreement signed on September 9, 2015 between Libero Acquisition S.à r.l., GL Europe Luxembourg S.à r.l., GoldenTree Asset Management Lux S.à r.l., GoldenTree SG Partners L.P., GT NM LP and San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association, as amended on November 23, 2015 and subsequently on February 8, 2016 and on March 26, 2018 (“Shareholders’ Agreement”).

It is hereby announced that on 9 September 2018 the Shareholders’ Agreement ceased all its effect for expiration of its term.

Notice of the termination of the Shareholders’ Agreement has been given pursuant to articles 128, 129 e 131 of Issuers Regulation and, in particular, through filing with the Register of Companies of Milan and by publication of the notice of termination of the Shareholders’ Agreement on the national daily newspaper “La Stampa” in the edition of September 14, 2018.

  • On 28 June 2019 Sunrise Investments S.p.A. (“Sunrise”), Libero Acquisition S.à r.l. (“Libero”), GL Europe Luxembourg S.à r.l. (“Avenue”) and GoldenTree Asset Management Lux S.à r.l. (“GTAM” and, together with Sunrise, Libero and Avenue, the “Parties”) have signed an investment agreement (the “Agreement”) concerning their mutual obligations and commitments in relation to a transaction relating to the ordinary and savings shares of Italionline S.p.A. (“Italiaonline” or the “Issuer”) with the aim of simplifying Italiaonline’s shareholding structure, delisting the Issuer’s ordinary shares and optimising its share capital structure (the “Transaction”).


  • On September 9, 2019, the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Sunrise Investments S.p.A. resolved (i) to increase the share capital pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 4, of the Italian Civil Code, excluding option rights, by issuing 32,877,532 new shares of category “A”, 5,142,134 new shares of category “B” and 7,357.445 new category “C” shares of the Company, all without indication of the par value, (ii) to adopt the new text of the by-laws subject to the subscription and full payment of the capital increase referred to in point (i), and (iii) to approve the mandatory conversion, at par, of the Company’s ordinary shares currently outstanding into category “A”, category “B” and category “C” shares, without indication of the par value and having the characteristics provided for by the adopted by-laws, subject to the subscription and full payment of the capital increase referred to in point (i). The abovementioned capital increase was carried out on 18 September 2019.


  • On September 24, 2019 Sunrise Investments S.p.A. (“Sunrise”) and D&C Governance S.r.l. (“DCG”) and some other savings shareholders of Italionline S.p.A. (“Italiaonline” or the “Issuer”), in view of the Special Meeting of Italiaonline’s savings shareholders held on October 2, 2019 to resolve on the mandatory conversion of Italiaonline’s savings shares (the “Conversion Meeting”), have signed an agreement concerning (i) the waiver of pending litigation as well as any future claims, and (ii) the waiver of the right to be exercised by the Issuer in the event of any future claims, therefore, at the Shareholders’ Meeting, the granting of a mandate to the Common Representative of the savings shareholders of Italiaonline to waive all pending proceedings initiated by the same in the name and on behalf of the category and (ii) the transfer by DCG and the savings shareholders of n. 3,595 savings shares of Italionline, under the terms and conditions set forth below (the “Agreement”).

Documents available in italian only:

Estratto del patto parasociale relativo a Italiaonline S.p.A. comunicato alla Consob ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D.Lgs. 24 Febbraio 1998, N. 58 (“TUF”) e degli art. 127 e ss. del regolamento approvato con delibera Consob del 14 Maggio 1999, N. 11971 (“Regolamento Emittenti”).
Estratto pubblicato ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D.Lgs. 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (il “TUF”) e dell’art. 129 del Regolamento CONSOB n. 11971/1999 (il “Regolamento Emittenti”)
Informazioni essenziali ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D. Lgs. 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (“TUF”) e dell’art. 130 del Regolamento adottato con delibera CONSOB n. 11971 del 14 maggio 1999 come successivamente modificato e integrato (“Regolamento Emittenti”)
Informazioni essenziali ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D. Lgs. 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (“TUF”) e dell’art. 130 del Regolamento adottato con delibera CONSOB n. 11971 del 14 maggio 1999 come successivamente modificato e integrato (“Regolamento Emittenti”)
Estratto pubblicato ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D.Lgs. 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (il “TUF”) e dell’art. 129 del Regolamento CONSOB n. 11971/1999 (il “Regolamento Emittenti”)
Informazioni essenziali ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D. Lgs. 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (“TUF”) e degli artt. 130 e 131 del Regolamento adottato con delibera CONSOB n. 11971 del 14 maggio 1999 come successivamente modificato e integrato (“Regolamento Emittenti”)
Estratto pubblicato ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D.Lgs. 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (il “TUF”) e degli artt. 129 e 131 del Regolamento CONSOB n. 11971/1999 (il “Regolamento Emittenti”)
Informazioni essenziali ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D. Lgs. 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (“TUF”) e dell’art. 130 del Regolamento adottato con delibera CONSOB n. 11971 del 14 maggio 1999 come successivamente modificato e integrato (“Regolamento Emittenti”)
Estratto pubblicato ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D. Lgs. 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (il “TUF”) e dell’art. 129 del Regolamento CONSOB n. 11971/1999 (il “Regolamento Emittenti”)