True-news.it – born in 2021, published by Inpagina Srl and directed by Fabio Massa – has chosen a multi-channel approach to tell the contemporary world, with the ambition to speak to the productive part of the country. Great attention is given to the production of contents from a newsletter perspective: five different products (True Economy, True Politics, True Future, True Pharma, True Sports), with diversified audiences and with exclusive and in-depth contents only.
In addition to True-news.it, the following publishers are part of Newsonline with their respective titles:
– Askanews S.p.A., with the Askanews.it website (editor Gianni Todini) .
– SEM S.r.l., with the websites Blitzquotidiano.it (director Alberto Francavilla) and Ladyblitz.it (director Claudia Montanari)
– AL Iniziative Editoriali S.r.l. with Firstonline.info (Founder Ernesto Auci, Director and co-founder Franco Locatelli)
– Globalist.it and in addition Giornaledellospettacolo.it (director Gianni Cipriani) and PPN (director Maurizio Pizzuto)
– ilSussidiario.net S.r.l., with ilSussidiario.net (director Luca Raimondi)
– Linkiesta S.r.l., with Linkiesta.it (director Christian Rocca) and the vertical channels, Europea, Gastronomika, Greenkiesta, Il lavoro che verrĂ and Milano
– Contents Media, with Notizie.it (director Fabrizio Capecelatro) and the channels DonneMagazine.it, Foodblog.it, Tuobenessere.it and Investimentimagazine.it
– Tagfin S.r.l., with Tag43.it (director Paolo Madron)
– Thirdfloor S.r.l., with TheSocialPost.it (director Marta Pettolino)
– FormatLab with Truenumbers.it (director Marco Cobianchi)
The entry of True-news.it, further expands and enriches the Newsonline project, created to give value to the work of quality online publishers, establishing a direct dialogue with each of them, in order to create the most important news hub of digital advertising in the country.
“Thanks to this further important entry into the system, through the processing of Audiweb data for November 2021, Newsonline confirms its growth and relevance by positioning itself in 6th place of the realities of generalist and financial daily news, with 14.5 million individuals monthly. True-news.it, a recently established title, already contributes to the Newsonline CRU with an additional coverage of over 700 thousand monthly heads, 56% women and 84% over 35 years old. This is, specifically for this title, a profile particularly suitable for those seeking purchasing managers and heavy consumers,” said Luca Paglicci, Head of Newsonline.
“In the wide and varied panorama of information on the web, we thought of creating a magazine capable of telling politics and economy in an unconventional way, giving space not only to exclusive investigations but also to unconventional readings of facts. The first few months, which have been exciting in terms of increased traffic, from a few thousand unique users to the two and a half million unique users per month reached in January, have comforted us in our idea and spurred us on. Another strong point is multi-channel: television, radio, podcasts and live events complete the offer of True-news and give it depth, helping to strengthen a brand that was just born but wants to become big very quickly. True-news is a free newspaper, separated from any partisan interest, but able to talk effectively with companies and investors,” explains Simone Dattoli, editor of True-News.it and partner of Inpagina.
“Special attention is given to the health sector, which has a dedicated channel and team thanks to professional journalists and contributors able to tell its story without celebrations or rhetoric, getting inside all the dossiers that – as the pandemic has shown – are decisive for the future of our society. The strength of True-News.it is an editorial staff of more than ten people that every day churns out, together with the coverage of the most important facts, ten exclusive pieces of investigation or analysis”, concludes Luca Simonato, partner of Inpagina.
(NB This is a translation of the Italian press release)