Truenumbers.it, the only datajournalism newspaper in Italy, joins the network of Newsonline, the Business Unit within Italiaonline exclusively licensed to sell advertising space for a relevant pool of digital native sites in the news&information category.
Born in 2016, published by FormatLab and directed by Marco Cobianchi, Truenumbers.it makes reliability its main feature: all its articles are based on official data from accredited sources in all countries of the world.
In addition to Truenumbers.it, the following publishers are part of Newsonline with their respective titles:
– Askanews (director Paolo Mazzanti) .
– SEM srl, with the websites Blitzquotidiano.it (editor Alberto Francavilla) and Ladyblitz.it (editor Claudia Montanari).
– AL Iniziative Editoriali srl with Firstonline.info (director Franco Locatelli)
– Globalist.it; and also Giornaledellospettacolo.it (director Gianni Cipriani), PPN and Wondernetmag
– ilSussidiario.net srl, with ilSussidiario.net (director Luca Raimondi)
– Linkiesta, with Linkiesta.it (director Christian Rocca), Europea, Gastronomika, Greenkiesta and Il lavoro che verrà
– Contents Media, with Notizie.it (director Fabrizio Capecelatro) and the channels DonneMagazine.it, Foodblog, Tuobenessere and Investimentimagazine
– Editoriale Genesis, with Primaonline.it (director Alessandra Ravetta)
– Thirdfloor SRL, with TheSocialPost.it (director Marta Pettolino)
— Tagfin srl, with Tag43 (director Paolo Madron)
The entry of Truenumbers.it, further expands and enriches the Newsonline project, created to give value to the work of quality online publishers, establishing a direct dialogue with each of them, in order to create the most important news hub of digital advertising in the country.
The initiative consists in the systemization of the wealth of skills, resources and technologies of iOL Advertising, the first digital advertising agency in Italy by number of unique users per day, enriched with a dedicated structure headed by Luca Paglicci, who is entrusted with the collection of advertising network, the main source of revenue for each of its affiliates. Aggregated in a single advertising network, these realities with a consolidated audience are able to represent a catchment area that can compete with the main national publishers. .
The crowning achievement of the project is Newsonline.it, the news site fed exclusively by the content of the newspapers belonging to the network and a point of access to digital and independent information.
Data journalism is becoming increasingly important,” commented Luca Paglicci, Head of Newsonline. “Besides being journalism itself, it is one of the most valuable, authoritative and reliable sources for other journalists. The ability to acquire, analyze and provide numbers to support the story of current events has become a fundamental skill for the world of information. This is why the arrival of Truenumbers.it in the pool of Newsonline sites makes us really proud, comforting us once again in our choice of quality towards publishers, advertisers and users”.
“For Truenumbers.it, joining the Newsonline network represents recognition of the excellence of the work of FormatLab’s journalistic editorial staff. Now even more we intend to remain faithful to the editorial line inspired by the utmost rigor: no surveys, no background, no correlations, no verbs conjugated to the conditional but only articles based on official numbers. I believe that in a world populated not only by fake news, but also by fake truths, which are the news given halfway through, reliability and competence are what makes the difference,” explained Marco Cobianchi, director of Truenumbers.it and CEO & Founder of the FormatLab content factory.
NB This is a translation of the Italian press release