The Social Post, a free and independent national online newspaper, joins the network of Newsonline, the Business Unit within Italiaonline, conceived as the exclusive concessionaire of the sale of advertising space for a relevant pool of digital native sites in the news&information category.
The Social Post, is a generalist magazine launched in 2015, published by Thirdfloor SRL and directed by Marta Pettolino. Its payoff is “the courage to be free”: politics, news and entertainment accompany exclusive investigations and insights. With a watchful eye on civil rights, ecology and social issues. From Italy and the world. In real time. His Facebook community has nearly 4 million followers. The great objectivity and the strong attitude to the social ecosystem are the strengths through which he managed to involve and retain his large audience.
In addition to TheSocialPost.it, the following publishers are part of Newsonline with their respective titles:
– Askanews (director Paolo Mazzanti) .
– SEM srl, with the websites Blitzquotidiano.it (director Alberto Francavilla) and Ladyblitz.it (director Claudia Montanari).
– AL Iniziative Editoriali srl with Firstonline.info (director Franco Locatelli)
– Globalist Italia, with the websites Globalist.it and Giornaledellospettacolo.it (director Gianni Cipriani)
– ilSussidiario.net srl, with ilSussidiario.net (director Luca Raimondi)
– Linkiesta, with Linkiesta.it (director Christian Rocca), Europea and Gastronomika
– Entire Digital, with Notizie.it and the DonneMagazine.it channel (director Fabrizio Capecelatro)
– Editoriale Genesis, with Primaonline.it (director Alessandra Ravetta)
The entry of The Social Post, further expands and enriches the Newsonline project, created to give value to the work of quality online publishers, establishing a direct dialogue with each of them, with the aim of creating the most important news hub of digital advertising in the country.
The initiative consists in the pooling of skills, resources and technologies of iOL Advertising, the first digital advertising agency in Italy by number of unique users per day, enriched with a dedicated structure headed by Luca Paglicci, who is entrusted with the collection of advertising network, the main source of revenue for each of its affiliates. Aggregated in a single advertising network, these realities with an already consolidated audience are able to represent a catchment area that can compete with the main national publishers.
“Newsonline has closed its first six months of life with flattering results that have gone beyond our expectations. With this in mind, we are delighted to become the concessionaire of The Social Post and to share with them new and increasingly ambitious growth objectives. The pool is enriched by another digital native: a young, fresh and ‘always on the ball’ voice, determined to stand out for reliability and impartiality, values that are highly appreciated by qualified users, in an age marked by fake news and denial, in which quality information plays a decisive role,” commented Fabio Peloso, Chief Commercial Officer Italiaonline.
“Freedom and correctness of information are our master values. We join today an important network with the aim of spreading more and more a model of ethical and autonomous information. Today, more than ever, it is important the clarity and safety of the news we write and read, because only in this way we can contribute to stimulate what is a constitutional right: freedom of thought.” Says Marta Pettolino, Editor-in-Chief of The Social Post.
(NB This is a translation of the Italian press release)