Italiaonline, the largest Italian internet company, has signed an agreement with Media Prime, a new Italian media company, thanks to which iOL Advertising becomes the exclusive concessionaire for the sale of advertising space and branded content projects on Robadadonne.it and the vertical magazine GravidanzaOnline.
Virtuous example of native digital journalism with a dense network of correspondents and influencers, Roba da Donne and GravidanzaOnline, with their respective communities, are unique in the national women’s scene.
In particular, Roba da Donne, with a digital audience of over 4 million users, 10 million monthly pageviews and 2 million fans/followers on social networks, represents one of the largest and most active communities in Italy, able to dialogue with the female and fluid digital generations; interpret the inclusive demands of the Third Millennium, in terms of empowerment, diversity, sustainability; meet the need for accurate and verified information and qualified insights by influencers and personalities of reference in the digital world, offer irreverent entertainment with cartoons, memes and biting content, which are the historical soul of the magazine.
GravidanzaOnLine, on the other hand, with over 1 million unique users and 2 million page views per month, is the magazine of reference for the world of parenting with its three macro thematic channels: conception, pregnancy and child 0-3 years.
The editorial staff benefits from the professionalism of a team of doctors and experts, who in addition to offering a free consulting service to users, guarantee fact-checking and quality of content.
Inspired by the themes of inclusion, diversity and sustainability, GravidanzaOnLine has become an essential magazine for companies that want to communicate their products and values in respect of new sensibilities in terms of parenting.
iOL Advertising has been entrusted with the exclusive concession for the sale of advertising space in Roba da Donne and GravidanzaOnline, in addition to the project in development of Dire Donna, in relation to clients, media centers and programmatic advertising platforms.
The formats that can be planned are all the main ones offered by iOL Advertising. In particular, display, video, mobile and custom formats will be provided. The agreement also includes branded content projects and, therefore, the possibility to offer companies the design and implementation of customized editorial projects with high added value.
“The agreement for the concession of advertising space on Roba da Donne and GravidanzaOnLine expands and strengthens the offer of iOL Advertising in a market segment – that of non-stereotypical female and sites dedicated to pregnant women and new mothers – in which Media Prime is among the leaders, with a deep-rooted and consolidated presence. And we are sure to be the right partner to bring them further value, in terms of advertising investments”. Commented Massimo Crotti, head of the iOL Advertising concessionaire of Italiaonline.
“We are happy to be able to announce this partnership with Italiaonline and its concessionaire, recognized in the industry for digital expertise and reliability – says Marco Palermo, Founder & Managing Director of Media Prime – Over the years we have established a pact of trust with our users, ensuring them unfiltered and inclusive information, enriched by irreverent and quality entertainment content. Over the years, Roba da Donne, GravidanzaOnLine have been able to attract influencers and personalities of reference in the digital world that, today more than ever, find in our channels a space of expression. It is our intention to continue to develop the products with a growing focus on branded content solutions that are increasingly inclusive, able to engage the community and give added value to brand campaigns with great success in terms of traffic and critics”.
(NB This is a translation of the Italian press release)