Italiaonline, Italy’s largest internet company, presents Newsonline.it, its new news site, a gateway to digital and independent information, powered exclusively by the content of the newspapers and magazines belonging to the Newsonline network. Italiaonline’s new property is the result of the second step of the editorial project carried out together with “independent, authoritative, digital” publishers, as the payoff of the new site states.
The Newsonline project was launched in May 2020 as a branch of the iOL Advertising concessionaire, to deal exclusively with advertising sales for a significant pool of native digital newspapers in the news&information category. This has given life and visibility to the most important news hub of digital advertising in the country. Today the following newspapers are part of the network: Askanews, Blitzquotidiano.it together with Ladyblitz.it, Firstonline.info, Globalist.it together with WondernetMag.com and PrimaPaginaNews.it, ilSussidiario.net, Linkiesta.it, Notizie.it with DonneMagazine.it, Primaonline.it and TheSocialPost.it. Grouped together in a single advertising network, organized and supported by an ad hoc team led by Luca Paglicci, these realities with a consolidated audience are able to represent a precious pool of users, on a par with the main national players, benefiting from direct relationships with clients and media centers.
To its readers, newsonline.it guarantees timely, constantly updated and reliable information coverage, with all the latest news on current affairs, politics, economics, finance, culture, entertainment, sport and free time. The user has visibility of the title and abstract of the articles, which can be read in full on the sites of the individual newspapers. In them, the journalistic contents are produced by professional editorial staff, with signatures of the highest national relevance.
The entire site has been created by Italiaonline: the technology, designed internally, is based exclusively on semantic rationales which are taken care of by a new generation algorithm. The result is a perfect combination of contents & tech, where technology is at the service of contents and contents rely on technology to be further amplified. The graphics, fresh and clear, are designed to give immediate evidence to the hard news, the topics of the day and the most trending topics.
“Newsonline.it is both the evolution and the synthesis of the project started a year ago by the concessionaire. It is a news&info site designed to make the spirit of the project even more tangible, for readers but also for current and future publishers: visibility, unity and strength, under the umbrella of the authoritativeness and quality guaranteed by the participating titles. We are sure that the public will appreciate its simplicity and usefulness. And while publishers can benefit from this great platform of visibility, advertisers will have a new network of news on which they can count for planning under the banner of the highest quality and brand safety.” said Fabio Peloso, Chief Commercial Officer Italiaonline.
(NB This is a translation of the Italian press release)