Libero Annunci is the new Italiaonline website that allows users to find, finally aggregated in one place,
all the ads of the main Italian classified ads portals, especially in the home (rental and sale), automotive
and work sectors.
Easy and intuitive to consult, Libero Annunci presents itself as a search engine. The filters allow users to
refine their searches according to their needs. Once the search is completed, the user is redirected to the
original site to finalize the operation. There is also an alert system, thanks to which searches can be saved
and e-mail notifications can be set, e.g.: “bilocale Roma, affitto”, or “store manager, indefinite time, Milan”
in order to receive news when an advertisement with the chosen keywords appears.
The constant updating and normalization of the large database – to date there are over 12 million ads in
total – are entrusted to a sophisticated artificial intelligence system.
Recent events have given a very strong acceleration not only to e-commerce but also to info-commerce,
i.e. the set of actions that a user takes during his customer journey before making a purchase: visiting
specialized sites, comparing prices, etc. …”. – says Domenico Pascuzzi, Marketing Director Publishing of
Italiaonline – Libero Annunci intercepts, therefore, a need that emerges more and more clearly from web
surfing, marked by decidedly interactive and transactional logics”.
(N.B. This is a translation of the Italian press release)