“Alexa, open 100 borghi (100 villages, nb)”, “Alexa, ask 100 borghi where I can go today” or “Alexa, ask 100
borghi about a village in Lazio”.
Around Italy through 100 of its most representative villages thanks to I 100 borghi del cuore, a podcast
series that explores the beauties hidden in our territory, chosen by SiViaggia, the vertical of Italiaonline
dedicated to travel: a Skill present in the Amazon Skill Store (amazon.it/skills) and activated on Echo Auto
and on all Amazon Echo devices.
The project of the 100 villages in the heart of SiViaggia, in fact, has been conceived as a tool for travellers
who can listen to it comfortably in the car while discovering the most beautiful corners of the peninsula:
the history and curiosities of hidden Italy; nature, artistic beauties and excellent gastronomy.
If you are in a province and you want to know which are the nearest villages, just ask The 100 villages in
the heart of SiViaggia which are the nearest. Or, if you simply want a suggestion, you can ask Skill for
advice: SiViaggia and Echo Auto will lead you to discover one of the 100 wonderful corners of Italy to fully
experience the atmosphere, art and delicacies of the local cuisine.
The podcasts are accompanied by cards on SiViaggia.it which has always spoken with interest about the
most beautiful villages in Italy.
You can enable the Skill directly by saying “Alexa, open a hundred villages”. Alternatively, through the Skill
Store on Amazon.it, visiting the page “100 borghi del cuore di SiViaggia” (100 villages in the heart of
SiViaggia), or through the Alexa App in the “Skill and games” section.
“The events of recent months have led us to look at our country with different eyes and to fall back in love
with so many places that we perhaps took for granted. As a consequence of all this there is a desire to
rediscover our most characteristic locations, and not only because of the recent recommendations to limit
travel to the national territory. The I 100 borghi del cuore project was born a long time ago, but we are
happy to be able to respond to a new need of our users and to be close to them on the devices they use
every day with useful, up-to-date, high-quality content,” said Domenico Pascuzzi, Marketing Director
Publishing at Italiaonline.
Nb. This is a translation of the Italian press release