Italiaonline has created Newsonline, a new Business Unit within iOL Advertising, its advertising concessionaire, which becomes the exclusive concessionaire for the sale of advertising space for a significant pool of native digital sites in the news&information category.
Italiaonline has decided to bring together a group of quality online publishers to give value to their work by pooling the wealth of skills, resources and technologies of iOL Advertising, the first digital advertising concessionaire in Italy in terms of number of unique users per day, enriched with a dedicated structure headed by Luca Paglicci, who is in charge of advertising sales for the network, the main source of revenue for each of its affiliates.
Italiaonline has turned exclusively to quality titles, establishing a direct dialogue with each of them, with the aim of creating the most important digital advertising news pole in the country, destined to expand further. Aggregated into a single advertising network, organized and supported by an ad hoc team, from today these realities from the already consolidated audience will be able to represent a catchment area that will be able to deal with the main national players, benefiting from direct relationships with customers and media centers.
In the future, Italiaonline will also be able to make its Content Intelligence technology platform, developed entirely in-house and at the heart of its data driven strategy, available to partner publishers: an ally based on Artificial Intelligence solutions that inspires and optimizes the daily work of the editorial desk. Through the analysis and processing of an enormous amount of data, in fact, it is possible to identify social and search trends in real time and at birth and thus provide the reader with the content he wants. This is a technological factor, but even more competitive/strategic able to optimize editorial plans.
At the moment the following publishers and their respective titles are part of Newsonline:
– Globalist Italia, with the sites Globalist.it and Giornaledellospettacolo.it (director Gianni Cipriani)
– SEM srl, with the sites Blitzquotidiano.it (director Alberto Francavilla) and Ladyblitz.it (director Claudia Montanari)
– Entire Digital, with Notizie.it (director Daniele Orlandi)
– Innovamedia srl, with Theitaliantimes.it (director Alfonso Dell’Erario)
– ilSussidiario.net srl, with ilSussidiario.net (director Luca Raimondi)
– Editorial Genesis, with Primaonline.it (director Alessandra Ravetta)
Since its debut, Newsonline has presented itself to the market with an audience of 16.9 million unique users per month (source: Audiweb, March 2020) in its category (news&information), which represents about 37% of the active reach of the entire digital population (of which just under 80% access Newsonline sites through a smartphone device and the remaining 20% through PCs or tablets). The target is almost equally distributed between men and women, over 35 years of age for 75%, high education over 80% and with purchasing responsibility for 63% (source: Audiweb, February 2020).
As far as formats are concerned, Newsonline offers all those in the iOL Advertising dealership portfolio, in particular: displays, videos, mobile and special formats; these will be flanked by the development of native content and branded content projects, created with publisher and dealership on one side and customers on the other. Italiaonline also makes available its expertise in managing campaigns sold in reservation, private deal, private guranteed, up to the maximum efficiency of the programmatic segment of the open market. Finally, it will make use of the strong and numerous partnerships with third parties and all the ongoing developments that make Italiaonline the reference point of the market.
“The agreement with this considerable pool of publications for advertising sales is a source of particular satisfaction for us. – commented Fabio Peloso, Chief Commercial Officer Italiaonline – Being the exclusive concessionaire of many successful full digital publishing companies is a great goal for us. Our new partners, as well as those who will arrive in the future, can be sure that we will put at their disposal all our energy, resources and extensive knowledge of the Italian digital market that only Italiaonline has, to grow even more together, both in terms of audience and advertising investors”.
(NB This is an English translation from the Italian press release)