Virgilio Sport, Italiaonline’s sports news portal, was mentioned during Google I/O 2019, the annual conference for developers from around the world held in San Francisco, California, from May 7 to 9.
Thanks to the job of the Product Development team of Italiaonline, the first Italian internet company with 4.8 million unique users, Virgilio Sport has been chosen by Google as a worldwide success case for its logic of Prefetching Articles, which has brought significant optimizations to the portal: the implementation of Google’s AMP modules and the adoption of techniques for prefetching articles have allowed to speed up the loading of pages and improve the organic positioning of the portal, increasing by 45% the volume of traffic from web searches.
During the second day of the conference, the brilliant results of Virgilio Sport were presented in the speech “Speed at Scale: Web Performance Tips and Tricks from the Trenches”, with a focus on how to optimize web performance.
A significant recognition for Italiaonline, which was mentioned together with major players on the international digital scene such as Ebay, Twitter and Netflix.
An acquired know-how that brings benefits to all users of the Group’s web properties and that Italiaonline will also share with its customers, in the continuous process of improving the products and services that the company makes available to Italian companies.
“Participation in Google I/O 2019, an event of international importance for the sector that brings together professionals from all over the world, is a great achievement for Italiaonline – said Carlo Meglio, Chief Development and Innovation Officer of Italiaonline – It is also an opportunity for our team to be updated on the latest trends in the digital world, constantly evolving, and thus always be at the forefront to share with our customers and users all our know-how”.
(N.B. This is a translation of the Italian press note)