Italiaonline inaugurated this morning the computer room of the Istituto Comprensivo Statale G.B. Perasso in Milan, in the presence of the Councillor for Education of the City of Milan, Laura Galimberti, the directors of the Institute and the students, who will benefit from a room consisting of ten desktop PCs and ten tablets.
The donation is part of Italiaonline’s wider project of collaboration with the world of education, which also in 2019 provides support for digital training for young people with the implementation of four computer rooms for as many institutions. The donation was also the subject of a Christmas card that Italiaonline employees send to customers, suppliers and partners and whose claim stated “those who will be great tomorrow have the tools for a better future already today”.
Andrea Fascetti, Chief Human Resources Officer of Italiaonline, who was present at the ribbon-cutting ceremony in the Perasso Institute classroom, commented: “In 2019, too, we wanted to donate IT material for training millennials and to make our contribution to supporting teachers and young people in school activities with cutting-edge tools. It is first of all a pleasure for us to be able to lend a hand to the world of school, as well as a duty that we feel we have to fulfill as the largest internet company in the country. They are small gestures, but we hope they will represent a concrete help for key elements of a local community such as schools”.
“Italiaonline’s support is a great support for schools that are carrying out digitization, which is increasingly important for our children – says Laura Galimberti, Councillor for Education of the Municipality of Milan -. Collaboration between the public and private sectors is more essential than ever and fundamental when it comes to children, for whom we must all work together, to guarantee them the maximum possibilities”.
(N.B. This is a translation of the Italian press note)