Italiaonline, with its national digital advertising agency iOL Advertising, collaborates in the content strategy of Reale Mutua, the most important Italian insurance company in the form of mutual funds, with a 10-month editorial content plan dedicated to the theme #giocaredanticipo. The partnership is aimed at positioning the Reale Mutua brand as a reference of trust for those who marry the value of “thinking about the future now to protect what matters”.
With its wide range of properties, both internet and partner, Italiaonline is able to intercept different and specific audiences and to create and propose content that is always relevant for the various target groups of Reale Mutua, supporting the brand in its campaign dedicated to welfare .
The contents produced from here until January 2019 will be declined in various editorial formats, in order to maximize its usability, exploiting the multiple consumption contexts in depth.
Through a content mix that includes the use of long form formats, infographics, gallery, engagement / quiz tools and blog posts, the theme of #giocaredanticipo will be applied to the various business areas of Reale Mutua.
From the vertical portals DiLei, QuiFinanza, SiViaggia, Buonissimo, Libero Tecnologia and Virgilio Motori, to get to the online newspaper Lettera43 and to the FattoreMamma network, the editorial plan of the #giocaredanticipo will deal with issues related to lifestyle, travel, cars, homes and the world of SMEs. The contents will be amplified with the launches from the home pages of the Libero and Virgilio portals and with editorial squeals from the vertical portals, as well as through blogger engagement activities. As a corollary of the editorial part, there will be a targeted presence of advertising, used in synergy to achieve the objective of positioning.
Massimo Crotti, director of the iol Advertising dealership of Italiaonline, commented: “We are particularly happy to support Reale Mutua in its positioning, above all for a topic of social importance such as welfare. We have made all of our content marketing solutions available to Reale Mutua to facilitate the dialogue between brands and users, which for us is increasingly a central element of every communication campaign “.
“Thinking about the welfare of our members means taking care of their current and future well-being,” said Marco Mazzucco, Director of Marketing Distribution and Brand of Reale Group. To do so, we have a qualified specialist network, tools for a needs analysis, a full range of products able to meet any need, today and tomorrow, and various communication tools including those offered professionally and competently by iLo Advertising by Italiaonline “.
(N.B. This is a translation of the Italian press release)