“Your hug inspires ours”. This is the concept behind the digital campaign of Huggies Italia, a company that has been an important international player in the world of children for almost twenty years.
The campaign is aimed at all new mothers and expectant women and was created for Huggies by Italiaonline together with FattoreMamma, the network that brings together the 34 most important blogs of Italian mothers – of which Italiaonline, with IOL Advertising, is the advertising agency exclusively – and to the Mindshare media center and focus on the authenticity of the bond between mother and child expressed with a hug. And just a reassuring hug, fundamental to the well-being of every child, the Huggies diaper promises to be the extension, as it also evokes the name of the brand [hug, in English = embrace] chosen by a company that wants to be every day alongside mothers and pregnant women.
To tell the emotions of the hugs between mother and child, the emotional format par excellence was chosen: the video, shot by top vlogger Julia Elle – aka Disperatamentemamma – with the fun, tenderness and irony typical of the following postings of which she is the protagonist along with his children, the little ones Chloe and Chris.
There are two clips created by Julia for the Huggies campaign. The first video, published on Sunday, May 13, has had excellent results on social media, with over 800 thousand people reached, 350 thousand views and about 6 thousand shares in a few days. The post and the video are visible at the following link:
A volte ti chiedi come fai, a volte sono gli altri a chiedertelo, Alcuni giorni credi di non farcela davvero, ma da qualche parte la forza la trovi sempreAnche quando sembra impossibile Allora alla domanda “ma come fai?” Io rispondo con questo video, perché ci sono cose che non si possono spiegare a parole, a volte la risposta a tante domande è dentro un abbraccio#HugMe
Pubblicato da Julia Elle su Domenica 13 maggio 2018
The second video of the campaign will be online next 10 June.