Subsequent to what disclosed on 20 January 2016, Seat Pagine Gialle S.p.A. communicates that, on today’s date, the Shareholders’ Meetings of the Company and of Italiaonline S.p.A. approved the merger by reverse incorporation plan of Italiaonline into the Company.
“Today’s shareholders’ meeting is another step forward in the merger project that will give birth to the leading operator in the Italian digital services market for enterprises – commented Antonio Converti, CEO of SEAT and Italiaonline – We have recently launched the new PagineGialle app, an important sign of renewal for an instrument that made Italian history and that today, with a new free app available on Apple Store and Google Play, marks the path that the new Group intends to follow from now on”.
The Company Shareholders’ Meeting further approved:
the “2014-2018 Stock Option Plan of Seat Pagine Gialle” (the “Stock Option Plan”) and the granting of a delegation to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital to service said Stock Option Plan pursuant to article 2441, paragraphs 5, 6 and 8, of the Italian Civil Code;
the delegation to the Board of Directors to increase in one or more issues the share capital, with exclusion of option rights pursuant to article 2441, comma 4, the Italian Civil Code;
the appointment, as member of the Board of Directors, of Attorney Antonia Cosenz, co-opted by the Board of Directors of 10 November 2015;
the appointment, as Alternate Auditor, of Dott. Giancarlo Russo Corvace.